Mindful Meditation: Just Like Me

This week I’m doing things a little differently… Instead of my usual podcast, I’d like to take this week to share with you a brief mediation called, “Like Me”, It’s an emotional exercise I’ve done for quite a while now, and think we could all use something like this today. It’s a short mediation, only about 5 minutes long, and I’ll guide you through, but it’s going to help connect you to your center, help you form more empathy, and enable you to release any judgements of yourself and others.

Now, more than ever, we must come together and unite. We cannot be forced into anger or fear or exclusion or hatred, that will only divide us more. So often we focus on the differences between ourselves and others. Today, I ask you to focus on the similarities. We all deserve to treat and be treated with love and respect. It’s our duty as humans to lift one another up. We must celebrate diversity and unite with equality. We are all the same.. .all one race, the human race, and the sooner we realize that, the sooner we can thrive together on this beautiful planet. If you were walking through an art gallery, would you gravitate towards the dull, plain, unpainted canvas OR would you marvel over the canvas that was beautifully painted with an array of colors? I’ll bet you’d admire the colorful piece of art, because as humans we naturally lean into variety and color and beauty in diversity. Humans are like the beautiful paint on a canvas, only now, the canvas is this world. Today I ask you to celebrate all of the colors and variances that paint our global canvas, and remember that everyone, like you, simply wants to be loved.

// Meditation:

Let's begin by taking a moment to allow your body to settle into a comfortable position 

You can lay down, or sit upright, whatever feels most comfortable for you.

You may close your eyes or keep them slightly open.

Go ahead and take a deep breath to settle in. 

Inhale…. And exhale.

Really allow your spine to lift and you sink in, and let the shoulders soften and melt away from your head.

Today we will practice acknowledging the similarities between ourselves and others.

Often we focus on differences ,

but realizing that even a person who seems very different from us is- in a fundamental way- just like us.

Difference can become the basis of real connection .

This can include people we don't know very well,

people with whom we’re in conflict, or even people that we may see as an enemy.


It’s possible to develop a sense of compassion and understanding,

by coming to feel our shared sense of experience as human beings .

This practice called “just like me”.

It can help overcome that sense of difference and distrust,

by opening channels of compassion and empathy, and releasing any judgements of yourself or others.

Allow yourself to take a deep breath in and a long breath out.

Another another: Inhale… and exhale…

and as you breath out, allow a sense of releasing any tension that you are holding in the body.

Briefly scan through your body noticing any sensations or emotions flowing in.

Invite a sense of spaciousness and acceptance for whatever you are experiencing right now

Now bring someone to mind that you don't know very well,

or who might seem different or distant from you,

or maybe even someone that you are in a minor conflict with.

...and as you bring this person to mind,

notice if you experience any shifts or sensations in your body.

Holding this person in your mind, as if they were in front of you, say to yourself,

“This person has a body and a mind just like me”

“This person has feelings, emotions, and thoughts just like me”

“This person has at some point in his or her life has been sad, disappointed, angry, hurt, or confused, just like me” 

“This person has, in his or her life has experienced physical and emotional pain and suffering, just like me”

“This person has experienced moments of peace, joy, and happiness, just like me” 

“This person wishes to have fulfilling relationships, just like me” 

“This person wishes to be healthy and loved, just like me” 

Now take a moment to sense how you're feeling.

As you hold this person in your awareness, what do you experience? 

And now as you hold this person in mind, send them the following good wishes:

May you be well.

May you be happy.

May you feel loved.

May you matter.

May you be respected.

May you find peace.

Go ahead and inhale love and empathy and compassion, let it envelope your body, holding you close as the light encapsulates your entire inner body.

Now exhale that positive light, and envision it shining out onto your family, home, town, city, country, and world. Imagine this light that is constantly radiating out from your being, a constant stream of and loving connections, shining out into your circles and all of those who you touch in this life.

Smile knowing that the light you put out, can make a difference, can touch others who may be dimming. 

As we move to a close, return your awareness to your breath, breathing in, and breathing out.

Present, alive, and connected right here, right now.

As always, thank you for reading along, listening to, sharing, and subscribing, and don’t forget to stay Mindful & Divine.


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Questions? Want to Work Together or Discuss a Future Project? Email shana@mindfuldivine.com


Shana Bianchi